Winner of 2025 Missouri's Best Master of Skincare

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Best Day Spa

Waxing FAQs
How long does hair need to be for a wax?
At least two weeks of growth or longer after you’ve shaved or 3 weeks after a previous wax.
What can I do to prepare for a wax?
Avoid caffeine and waxing close to your menstrual cycle. Taking Ibuprofen 30 minutes prior will aid in reducing sensitivity.
Do I need to trim hair if it's long?
The longer the better. If you trim down to 1/2 inch it will help with time, or it can be trimmed during your appointment.
Does waxing hurt?
There is some discomfort, however most find it quite tolerable. But this is a sensitive area and you are getting this coarse hair removed from the follicle on delicate skin. Be aware caffeinated beverages and waxing during women’s cycles can increase sensitivity.

How often should I book a Brazilian wax?
I recommend booking the first 3 sessions every 3 weeks in the beginning. This will relieve some of the pain and get it on a good waxing cycle. You will then start to notice the hair becoming thinner and takes longer to grow back. After this point you can schedule out to 4 weeks and sometimes up to 5.
How long will a Brazilian wax last?
If you have been shaving, there may be a transition period. 2-3 consistent waxes achieves optimal results which are: 3-4 weeks of hairlessness, softer hair, and less hair growing back. If you have not been shaving prior to getting waxed, these results may be obtained more quickly.
Is it OK to shave between waxing appointments?
I don’t advise shaving in between sessions. Shaving will defeat the purpose that is gained from waxing and can further irritate follicles which can cause ingrown hair.
Can I tan before or after waxing?
You should wait 3-5 days to get waxed after tanning or skin treatments. You should never get waxed if you are even slightly sunburned. The very top layer of the skin could ‘lift’ which is painful and can result in scabbing. It is important to wear sunscreen after you get waxed or to avoid the sun as it can cause ‘brown spots’ known as Hyperpigmentation.

Should I avoid any creams or medications before waxing?
I recommend stopping a week before especially for the face. These can enhance skin sensitivity and cause injury. Prescription medications and topicals should be avoided before a wax up to even 2+ weeks depending on your usage. These would be acne, blood thinners and aging medications: Accutane, Retin-A, Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Differin, Tazorac, and Renova. Please ask if you’re not sure.
How long should I book before an event?
You should book at least 5 to 7 days before an event. All skin reacts differently to waxing, so it’s good to plan ahead. You also want to avoid any activity that may cause excess sweating or contact with the waxed area of your skin. I recommend booking 2 sessions prior to an event, with the latter one giving you 3 days to recover.
How long does it take and what can I expect afterwards?
30 minutes or less, and the waxed skin might be tender for a couple days. Sometimes red bumps, swelling, burning and irritation can occur. Please refer to your aftercare instructions if any reactions should occur.
What should I do about ingrown hair?
Ingrown hairs are common with waxing, so exfoliating in the shower with a body brush every day helps to keep the skin free from cellular buildup which can trap hair. I recommend my Image Skin Care brand, specifically the Total Resurfacing Mask. This will help to prevent ingrown hairs, take down inflammation and lighten the dark areas.

Can I get a wax if I am on my period?
I strongly recommend scheduling your waxing appointments around your menstrual cycle. Due to increase in pain sensitivity and susceptibility to an infection, I prefer not to perform waxing services if you are on your cycle.
Any more questions? Contact me